Cody King

Cody King

The Cody King Family Fund

Cody King is a Freelance Contractor in the Trade Show & Event Industry. Cody King was involved in a life altering motorcycle accident on December 12th, 2012 in Chandler, AZ. He was rushed to the Scottsdale Osborn Trauma Center due to it being the only hospital in the area equipped to handle this level of traumatic injury.Cody's left leg, after being pinned in between his motorcycle and the car suffered from a compound fracture in which the nerves, tendons and muscles connecting the foot to the leg were severed by the bones in the event of the break. He was rushed into emergency surgery to attempt to save his leg. Surgery #1 Wednesday, was to install an external fixator to hold the foot in place since it was no longer attached by any bones, while waiting for the swelling to decrease. Two days later was surgery #2 Friday, which was merely to clean out some of the bone debris and change out the vacuum pumps that were helping to reduce swelling.Surgery #3 Monday was to go repair the bones. The Tibia was fitted with a metal rod down the center of it that is secured at the top and bottom with pins and the Fibula was secured together with metal plates and screws. Surgery #4 Tuesday plastic surgeons came into the picture to remove a muscle from the upper part of the thigh to be used to cover the exposed bones in the lower portion of the leg. Finally, surgery #5 Wednesday was to take a skin graft from another area to cover the muscle they attached the day before.Cody spent the next 2 days in ICU and was then tranferred to a recovery room where he is going to begin the healing process.In 3 or 4 weeks there will possibly be another surgery involving a bone graft to repair the portions of the bone that were shattered, and in another 3 or 4 months will be a surgery to shape the leg in the area of the muscle that was attached to cover the exposed bones.He has a a long road to recovery ahead of him with months of rehab and learning to use his leg again.Cody is lucky to have the support of his loving wife, Dove, and many friends and family members to help him on his journey.Please do what you can do to help this family recover from the life altering experience. Anything you can do to help with will be GREATLY appreciated.

You have two options for making a donation...

PayPal (Recipient email address is


Mail your donation to:

The Cody King Family Fund
C/O AV Dimensions
PO Box 12780
Chandler, AZ 85248

Thank you!

Update-January 17th, 2013

Cody is home from the hospital now and he is doing well. Our days now are filled with hospital and doctors visits—he is thankful to get out of the house a little bit, even though they are not the most enjoyable of trips. He has an appointment with his orthopedic surgeon in two weeks to see if the bones are healing properly as this will determine whether or not he will need the bone graft. Then it will still be another couple of months before he has his surgery to reshape his leg where the muscle flap was attached to cover the exposed bones as we have to wait for the muscle to atrophy and reduce in size. He has started physical therapy, which at this point, is merely moving his leg a small amount and massaging the foot to
keep blood circulating and help reduce swelling. He is staying positive and hopes to walk again some day.

I cannot thank you all enough for the moral support as well as the financial support you have all given through this ordeal.

Thank you again.

Monday, January 28, 2013

My update

     Hi everybody.  Cody here.  Thought I would personally update the blog so you all know how things are progressing.  The skin graft is not taking 100%.  The parts that did take the graft look great.....the parts that didn't take, don't look good at all, so I will probably be needing another skin graft.  I find out at the end of this week how the bones are healing and when I am due for my bone graft, to repair the bones that were shattered.  I am not looking forward to the next couple of operations, although I am able to get around the house a little bit with my walker now.  Please send me all of your positive joo joo.  I am so thankful for my amazing wife, Dove, who has not left my side through all of this, and my sweet sweet boy Octane. I would be a mess without them.  I would like to give special thanks to everyone who has helped with setting up and keeping the blog current.  And of course thank you to all who have contributed financially, as I will not be back to work for still many months to come.
     That is all for now but I will keep you all posted.


1 comment:

  1. Cody,
    Were you able to get in touch with "Behind the Scenes"? If not call me at AVD and I will give you the office number in NY.
    Fran Sutherland
